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Are media important for you? Why?

A small spoiler - this article will not answer the question.

This question is too deep in itself, you can only grab the top and try to pull out at least a part of it and that is what we are going to talk about.

Media can be television, radio and newspapers, but for now they are not flexible enough, not very comfortable, and will die eventually. We can regard media as the internet. Huge, free and limitless. And advertising, billboards, flyers, social networks and much more are also media. So today it plays a really huge role in our lives.

Even if a person does not watch TV, listen to radio nor reads newspapers, social networks are still a powerful source of information. We are emotional, irrational, influenced by those who are worthy of our trust. In social networks we surround ourselves with such people, and with them we try to maintain relations. In the end, we come to the fact that in this circle of trust and affection, information circulates between people who share each other's points of view and does not penetrate anything new into this circle.

We attach great importance to this circle.

A Greek woman answered: "No, I'm not very interested in reading about politics and war." Another woman said: "I do not like talking about serious topics" Media for them – abstract staff in some newspapers, and has nothing to do with the article on Facebook about what kind of lipstick is best to choose.

Sometimes we use media as a way to share information and experience, and sometimes just to feel connected with other people.

“To me, it is very important to read newspaper on that topic. I am interested and get some information about lots of things. Social media is necessary because I can keep in contact with my family members and friends. In my opinion, social media is so popular because people feel that you take part of a wider community and they can share their experience with the world through pictures and videos. This kind of media gives the ability to create your own personal identity too” – Laura.

For some, interest in media is a manifestation of character.

“People are giving media importance because they are curious by nature. We also need to communicate with each other” – Georg

In some people’s life media plays a much smaller role.

"To me, the importance of media in our lives seems highly overrated. We do not need every minute interaction with each other and if we put the smart phone away for more than five minutes, nothing will happen to the world "- Julia.

But nobody can give up information exchange. Anyway, we still use media, to varying degrees and also for other different reasons. What is really important is the understanding that any existing content is not born of itself. It is not completely objective and not very convincing because of people who create it and all the same emotional and irrational people who consume it afterwards.

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